Investing in Real Estate: Ways to Get Started with Little Money

Investing in real estate has long been considered a reliable way to build wealth, providing opportunities for passive income, appreciation, and tax benefits. However, many people are deterred from real estate investing due to the belief that it requires substantial capital upfront.

While it’s true that some real estate deals can demand large sums of money, there are numerous ways to get started with little money. In this article, we’ll explore several strategies for investing in real estate with limited financial resources.

House Hacking

One of the most accessible ways to get started in real estate investing with little money is through house hacking. House hacking involves purchasing a property, living in one part of it, and renting out the remaining space to tenants. The rental income generated from the tenants can help cover your mortgage, living expenses, or even generate a profit.

Multi-Unit Properties: Many house hackers purchase multi-family properties, such as duplexes, triplexes, or fourplexes. By living in one unit and renting out the others, you can significantly reduce your housing costs. The rental income can help offset your mortgage, and in some cases, you might even live rent-free.

Single-Family Home with Extra Space: If purchasing a multi-family property isn’t feasible, house hacking can also be done with a single-family home. You can rent out extra bedrooms or a basement apartment. Platforms like Airbnb also allow homeowners to rent out spare rooms or guest spaces to short-term renters, potentially increasing income.

Low Down Payment Loans: House hacking becomes even more accessible when you take advantage of low down payment loans like FHA loans, which require as little as 3.5% down for owner-occupied properties. By using this strategy, you can enter the real estate market with minimal upfront investment.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Another way to invest in real estate with little money is through Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate across various sectors, including commercial, residential, or industrial properties. By purchasing shares of a REIT, you can invest in real estate without owning physical property.

Publicly Traded REITs: Publicly traded REITs are available on major stock exchanges, and you can buy them much like you would any other stock. They offer investors a way to diversify their portfolios with real estate investments and earn dividends from the income generated by the properties in the trust. Some REITs have minimum investments as low as $500 or even less, making them an accessible option for those with limited capital.

Private REITs: Private REITs, while not traded on public exchanges, are another option. These are typically available through crowdfunding platforms and offer investors the chance to participate in larger real estate deals with smaller amounts of money. While private REITs may require higher minimum investments than their publicly traded counterparts, they often offer more flexibility and different types of investment opportunities.

Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding has gained popularity as a way for individuals to invest in real estate with little money. Crowdfunding platforms pool funds from multiple investors to finance real estate projects such as residential, commercial, or mixed-use properties.

Equity Crowdfunding: Equity crowdfunding allows investors to purchase shares of a property, effectively giving them partial ownership. As an equity owner, you’ll earn a portion of the rental income generated by the property and share in any appreciation when the property is sold. Fundrise and Realty Mogul are examples of popular real estate crowdfunding platforms that allow investors to get started with as little as $500.

Debt Crowdfunding: In contrast, debt crowdfunding involves investing in real estate loans. In this model, investors provide funds for a real estate project, and in return, they receive regular interest payments on the loan. Once the loan is repaid, investors get their principal back. Debt crowdfunding often involves lower risk than equity crowdfunding because investors are paid before equity holders in the event of a project’s failure.

Wholesaling Real Estate

Wholesaling is a strategy that allows investors to make money from real estate without actually owning a property. As a wholesaler, your role is to find distressed properties, negotiate deals with motivated sellers, and then assign the contract to an end buyer for a fee. This strategy requires little to no money upfront, as you never purchase the property yourself.

How Wholesaling Works: A wholesaler finds a property that is priced below market value, usually because the owner is motivated to sell quickly. After negotiating a price with the seller, the wholesaler signs a purchase contract with an “assignment clause,” allowing them to sell the rights to the contract to another buyer, typically a real estate investor or house flipper. The wholesaler earns a fee (often between $5,000 to $20,000 or more) for facilitating the transaction.

Getting Started with Wholesaling: Wholesaling requires time and effort, especially in finding potential deals. You’ll need to network with sellers and investors, market yourself, and research the local market to spot opportunities. However, it’s a low-cost way to enter the real estate world and build capital for future investments.

Partnerships and Joint Ventures

If you have limited funds but access to skills or knowledge, forming partnerships or joint ventures can be a powerful way to invest in real estate. In this scenario, you team up with other investors who may have the capital but lack the time, experience, or expertise to handle a real estate deal on their own. dvt

Types of Partnerships: In a typical partnership, one party brings the capital, while the other party brings expertise or manages the day-to-day operations, such as property management, deal sourcing, or renovation oversight. The profits are then split according to the partnership agreement.

How to Form Partnerships: To form successful real estate partnerships, you need to build a strong network of potential investors. Attend real estate meetups, join investor groups, and leverage online platforms like BiggerPockets to connect with potential partners. Be transparent about your strengths and what you bring to the table, whether it’s knowledge, time, or an established network of contractors and property managers.

Lease Options

Another creative way to invest in real estate with little money is through lease options. This strategy involves leasing a property with the option to buy it in the future. During the lease period, the investor pays the owner an option fee (typically a small percentage of the purchase price) and rents the property. If the investor chooses to exercise the option, the option fee is applied toward the purchase.

Advantages of Lease Options: Lease options allow you to control a property with minimal upfront investment, often requiring just the option fee and first month’s rent. This strategy can be particularly advantageous in appreciating markets, where you can lock in a purchase price today and benefit from rising property values in the future.

How to Find Lease Option Opportunities: Lease options are often negotiated with motivated sellers who are struggling to sell their homes or landlords looking to generate consistent rental income. Networking with local real estate agents or marketing yourself as an investor can help you find lease option deals.


Investing in real estate with little money is not only possible but achievable with the right strategies. House hacking, REITs, real estate crowdfunding, wholesaling, partnerships, and lease options all offer accessible ways to get started without requiring large amounts of capital.

By choosing the strategy that best fits your goals and financial situation, you can begin building wealth through real estate and expand your investments over time. With patience, effort, and careful planning, real estate can be a powerful tool for long-term financial growth, even with limited resources.


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