Mala Shunkurtaa Fayyadamuun Rifeensa biqilchuu fi Gurracheessuuf isin Gargaaru.

Akkaataa itti Qopheessitan Jalqaba qola shunkurtaa, sana Irraa sooftu ykn Quncistu Itti aansuun Albee ykn Haaduu Fayyadamuun murmurtu ykn kukkuttu, ergasiin booda hanga Inni xixiqqaatutti meeshaa fayyadamuun kukkuttu. Ergasii cuunfaa…

Forforii Rifeensaa, Ka’umsa, Mallattoo Fi Mala Ittisa Isaa.

Mallattoolee Foroforii Rifeensa mataa keessa wanti akka daakuu harca’auu (keessumaa yoo harkaan haxaa’an ykn filtuu mataan filatan). Yoo xiqqoo sanarra jabaate immoo gar malee hooksisuu fi waan akka qolaa harca’uu…

Haala ittiin ilkaan keenya qulqulleeffannu, qabxiilee toorba/7

Akkaataan nuti ilkaan itti rigannu, irgi ilkaanii keenya akka hin hubamneef akkasumas, qulqullina ilkaan keenyaa sirriitti akka eegamuuf kan nu gargaaru ta’uu qaba. Guyyaa tokko keessattis si’a lama (2) ilkaan…


Ka’umsa Dhukkubbii Dugdaa Ulfaatina guddaa ol kaasuu ykn haala hin mijanneen ulfaatina ol kaasuu. Ulfaatina garmalee guddaa ta’e qabaachuu. Sochii qaamaa gochuu dhiisuu. (poor physical fitness) Umrii (older age). dhukkubbiin…

Faayidaa Gagaa Dammaa fi Faayidaa Muuzii.

Faayidaa Gagaa Dammaa Damma jaallannaan gagaa isaa nyaadhu. Gagaa alanfattee erga mi’aa isaa irraa xuuxxee fixxe booda wanta akka maastikaa isa hafu sana liqimsuu ni dandeessa. Miidhaa tokkollee hin qabu.…


The actions we take on a daily basis are crucial to the effectiveness and continuity of a romantic relationship. Factors like always expressing our feelings of love, trying to please…


Peace, love, and freedom are necessary for the relationship between lovers to continue. It is also crucial to make some points for a successful love or marriage. Not Waiting For…

To Be a Good Husband.

Your wife needs care. She wants him to like it. So work hard every morning and evening to please her. You are expected to make her always welcome you with…

The characteristics of a man who truly loves a woman! For the girls.

A girl can be asked by many men. As much as he loves her, he calls her every day, not one or two, but many. He may think he really…

Signs That A Woman Shows That She Doesn’t Love A Man.

A woman shows signs of looking for you because she doesn’t want to lose your friendship because it may be difficult for her to tell you. It is easier for…